Colorful Autumn
As a kid me and my friends used to jump Into piles of leaves as they had left the tree. Seeing these pictures brings me joy and harmony.
Photos are from Flickr
It's all about the mood
Photos from Flickr
Inspired by Dior
What do maps and post-its have in common?
Answer: Can be used on any surface. I found these cool pictures through Who said wall covering has to be wallpaper? Why not post-it notes, magazine cuttings or as I mentioned in an earlier post (Maps).
Chalkboards are more than a trend-more like a necessity
I love chalkboards and I know It's not a a new 'trend'. But for me It seems to never get old. Whenever you feel like scribbling down something It's there waiting for you to do so. To fill up that dark space with something beautiful or something simple as a reminder. There are different ways to get a chalkboard, either by buying a chalkboard from a supplier (which I found a bunch of them online. For cheaper options If you're into bigger boards look into companies who supplies for schools and private persons). There is also something simple as chalk paint ( which I embarrassingly had never heard about until one year ago when my mother mentioned it ). You can get a hold of this paint easily through any local DIY store. Be prepared for different qualities since some are more 'healthy' than others. Aesthetically speaking It brings that unexpected element that I want/need in my designs. I know Scandinavians and people from the East coast ( USA ) are very fond of this. When I gave an idea to my client (from LA) about incorporating, this I guess unusual material for her, into her kitchen design she responded with a very curios look on her face saying something like...'In a kitchen'. I responded gladly with a smile and said...'Yes, why not. Lemmi show you'
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Photos from unknown source
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Do you fancy a map on your wall?
Not that I have an obsession for maps or anything, but who doesn't like them?! I grew up with my dad having a big map of our (small) town hanging in our kitchen. Of course this was for other reasons than decoration ( even though I know he would never have hanged it there if it didnt look 'nice').
Great wall decoration and adds colour to any surface. It's also a great way of showcasing vacation memories.
Great wall decoration and adds colour to any surface. It's also a great way of showcasing vacation memories.
Murals, please.
Which fireplace are you?
A perfect sample room
I wish I had a similar sample room available for me. Instead I have to go into my 'messy' spare bedroom filled with temporary storage for my samples and brochures.
Feel Inspired
Photos from Bravacasa Magazine
Inspiration for me
A picture=a feeling
Sensuality + luxure
Love and beauty
Photos taken by me and poem by Oscar
Pulp Fiction
My hubby is a huge movie lover and introduced me to a tons of great films. He opend my eyes for viewing films as an art form. I before would only look at films and not really feel that creativity, maybe I would get Ideas of how to dress or so. But his film choices and the way he enjoys movies has opened my eyes more than before. I just love his quirky choices. Pulp Fiction was the first film we saw together, and I have seen it about 5 times since. After that I came to really like Quentin Tarantino's films. His "difference" on approaching and executing a film is extremely interesting. It makes me think more of how I approach normal design concepts.
This typography by Jarratt Moody is more than great! Can't and don't want to stop looking at it.
This typography by Jarratt Moody is more than great! Can't and don't want to stop looking at it.
Dreaming of Guanajato in Mexico
Books are treasures for me
A book is so much more than a bunch of papers bonded together. I have always been a big fan of reading and collecting books but due to moving abroad I had to give away many of them. I now recently started my collection over again, which nowadays mostly involve my studies. Books about sketching, visual presentation, construction, Interior design and its elements and principles, various history and materials books and so on. I purchased some good second hand books on Amazon. I also found some great bargains during sale month. I feel great being surrounded by books, I feel alive and creative. If I only could, I would order thousands of them and store them nicely in floor to ceiling bookshelves and then some would be scattered around my apartment for decoration purposes. Not to forget I would buy my hubby and me travel, movie, poem and art books. How do you prefer storing your books? Any ideas?
Glam space in NY
I can't stop looking at this stunning space. The Interior design is close to perfect. The details, scale of the elements and use of luxurious materials makes this three dimensional into eye-candy. The designer behind this is Patti Smith.
source New York spaces Magazine
source New York spaces Magazine
Details within this space
I really like the 'daybed', 'lounge' in the middle of the room.
The wood details along the wall are very appealing. Also these breaks up the room
from feeling too long.
I have always been a big fan of executing the staircase in such way.
Breathtaking building
For me to be Inspired is just like a gift. Inspiration can be anywhere and anything. Sometimes I don't know what to do with it, other times I do. The architecture of this building doesn't fail me when it comes to wanting to be Inspired. The 'feel', balance and harmony wakes up the creativity in me.
source Bravacasa Magazine
source Bravacasa Magazine
Loft In Milan
source Bravacasa Magazine